PureLease Marketplace™

Lower your lease financing costs using a competitive marketplace

Save an average of 7%

Centralize lease decisions using current market rates

With automated Lease versus Buy analysis, leasing decisions are based on centralized policies and the most current market rates, including incremental borrowing rate (IBR).

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Reduce your bidding process from weeks to days with auto-generated RFPs

From auto-generated RFPs and getting matched to a wide range of potential bidders to watching lessors compete for your business, we make starting every lease faster and cheaper.

fast competitive bids

Focus bids on value

Avoid time-consuming and expensive negotiations, simplify accounting and avoid predatory buyout and renewal clauses.

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Stop using spreadsheets

Skip abstraction with us. After leases are booked, they're loaded with straight-through processing, so the data is accurate and complete from the beginning.

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With automated Lease versus Buy analysis, leasing decisions are based on centralized policies and the most current market rates, including incremental borrowing rate (IBR).

lease vs buy

From auto-generated RFPs and getting matched to a wide range of potential bidders to watching lessors compete for your business, we make starting every lease faster and cheaper.

fast competitive bids

Avoid time-consuming and expensive negotiations, simplify accounting and avoid predatory buyout and renewal clauses.

images standardized

Analyze and compare bids faster, reducing time, cost and risk. Skip abstraction and load new leases with straight-through processing, so the data is accurate and complete from the beginning.

automated booking

How our competitive leasing marketplace works

how our competitive

See how much competitive lease sourcing can save you

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event today